Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Crazy week!

You will probably notice the new background. I loved the Olympic background, but it made things very hard to read, so I've settled for a patriotic background to show my support for team USA. It will change again after the Olympics are over, but for right now I like it.

This week has been crazy already! Bri started preschool on Monday (for security reasons I'm not saying where...) and she is loving it! She throws a fit when it's time to leave, which is better than throwing a fit because she has to stay, so I'll take it! She's a very happy girl though, and I'm happy because she's happy!

Jonah started with a new sitter and he is enjoying himself also. This sitter is great. She does crafts with the kids every day, and so I'm always bringing home something cute that he made. Monday was a butterfly made out of a popsicle stick, coffee filter and pipe cleaner. Tuesday was a lizard made out of pipe cleaner. Today was a poem with his handprints on it. He's very happy too, and is adjusting really well to all the changes...especially to being somewhere without Brianna all day. That I was worried about because they've never been seperated.

School is going well for me. I must say though that I am totally exhausted! I haven't had to get up this early since high school, and by noon I'm beat! But, as I get used to it, it'll get better. Right?!?!?! But so far I love the kids and I love the school. We have a new principal this year and she is awesome! She's going to do great things for the school, I can tell! Plus, she's from Boston, so I love to listen to her talk!! :) I'm enjoying it so far though, just trying to learn names (I have a 104 students in grades 5-8 that I see every day!) and get used to waking up before dawn again! Pray for me! :P

Well, that's the update for today. I took pics of Bri on her first day of school, but I can't find the camera so I'll try to post them on Friday when I'm OFF SCHOOL!!!! YEAH! 3 day weekend! I LOVE teaching!


Emily said...

Oh, I'm sorry to say that I still come home completely exhausted after school. Get some good vitamins- you'll need all the help you can get!

Megan said...

You guys are busy busy!I can't believe your little girl is in preschool! Where did the time go?? Good luck with teaching- I hate getting up early, so I don't envy you!!

Who We Are... said...

Love the background Kari! Let me know when the kids goodies get there. I want to make sure you get them. Stacey