Thursday, May 15, 2008

Really good news on the house front this week! They began dry walling today and brick will begin going up tomorrow (although with all the rain we got today and are expecting tomorrow I won't be holding my breath for that one!)

We got an offer on the condo! It came back $4000 less than we were asking so we said no way and stuck to our guns until we got to the minimum we said we'd take. I'll tell you what though! People really want something for nothing these days. It never ceases to amaze me how cheap people are! They had an inspection on the condo today and if all goes well we are scheduled to close on June 15th! The best part is that we close on the new house on June 18th so won't have to impose on anyone for very long while we are waiting for our house to be finished! We should be in before Independence Day! YEAH!!!!!!

We went over to the house about a week ago and took some pictures. Here's what it looked like then.

This will be our kitchen.
This will be our living room.

We are very excited! It feels now like this is actually going to happen and we just can't believe it! Parties at our house this summer! (I love how that sounds!!!!!)

I've been trying to upload a new video of the kids that is particularly funny but Blogger won't let me right now so I'll have to try again tomorrow. Look for it- you won't be disappointed!


Diana Taylor said...

Wow! That is so exciting sounds like everything is falling right into place! I am so excited and happy for you!! I can't wait to see the finished house.

Megan said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy that you sold your condo and that everything is going smoothly with the new house. It looks great! I bet you are just too excited!