Friday, October 15, 2010

Where Have We Been!?!?!

It's a good question...and the best answer I have is busy! I have let life take over and have seriously neglected my blog. My sincere apologizes as I catch you up one what we have been up to around the Fischer house.

On October 2nd NKU had it's first World Culture Festival.  It was a really great afternoon full of international music, dancing, crafts, food and shopping. The students did a great job, especially for their first festival and I can't wait to see what they do next year! There was an amazing face painter there who used to paint faces at Disney World. Brianna and Jonah spent some of their money to get their faces painted.

Our butterfly!
The scary dinosaur!

Micah shaking his maraca! 

That same evening we attended a pot luck and hayride with my CRHP group. It was kind of a chilly, rainy afternoon (the rain moved in after we left the festival) but we spent time in the barn until the rain stopped and could take our hay ride. It was so much fun to pile up on that hay and ride around our friend's property which is HUGE!

It's hard to take a picture when you're bumping around every where!

On Monday, October 11, we participated in our neighborhood tradition of Booing! The kids look forward to going Booing as soon as they smell Halloween coming around the corner, and this year was no exception. My mom picked up some adorable cauldrons and lots of goodies at Big Lots and the kids put together the treats and we went out to Boo our neighbors. 

Brianna scouting out the scene!

Jonah was so upset because he wanted to bring the buckets back home. He wanted the gum and cried until I explained that we had more gum at home that was all his. And yes, those are real tears! Real, big tears!
Dance season has started back up again and so our Thursday afternoons are a hectic rush from school, to home to change, and then to the dance studio until 5:45. Brianna is taking tap and ballet again this year, and I have been so amazed with the progress she has made. Yesterday was "Watch Day", when all the parents get to come and see what they have been working on. Her teacher this year is the owner of the studio, and we love Miss Shannon! She is so amazing with these little girls, and you can tell she loves what she does. Brianna is enjoying this year and looks forward to Thursdays! 

So that's what we have been up to lately! I hope you all have been well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

adorable - it is so funny, I live in the same house with you and I get to see pictures that I have never seen before on this blog. I will go to big lots on my way home and see if they have anymore little caldurons for Mr. J