Friday, March 22, 2013

Organizational Challenge Progress Report 2

So, you might remember that I'm joining in on the 31 Day Organizational Challenge over at OrgJunkie. I think I've mentioned it a few times :-) (You can see the before pictures here and my progress report after week 1 here.) Well, we are on week 3 now! I can't believe only 1 more week, but I feel like we will make it! (except for maybe all the painting...I'm not sure the master bath will be painted the way we want by next weekend, but we'll see!) I didn't post a progress report last week. I lost my cable that connects my SD card reader to my computer so I had no way to upload my pictures. But, I found it today so we're back! (I noticed I don't post very often if I don't have pictures to share. It's weird but that's just me I guess!!) So this weeks progress report is actually for last week. I worked on the master bath. It looks much better now! The only thing that needs to be done now is to get the shelf hung on the wall that I bought to house some of the collectibles that were in the window. I'm getting rid of some of them, but there were some that I wanted to keep. Also, like I mentioned it's not painted yet. We also need to get new rugs for the floor to go with our new color scheme, and new towels, but since all those things are more decorative than organizational I can let that slide a little longer! lol  This week I've been working on the closet. You might remember what a disaster it was but just in case you forgot go check out my post with the before pictures. If you dare!! I got some good progress made but then got side lined by illness this week so I didn't get much done. But there's always this weekend (if I'm feeling up to it! They think I have pancreatitis AND an ulcer so it can be pretty painful at times!!)

Now, onto the pictures!

Master bath before
Master bath after! Yippy! Let's go look closer!
 Since the only storage we have in this bathroom is the one cabinet under the sink and the medicine cabinet we had to bring in some extra pieces when we moved in. We bought two Rubbermaid organizers. One to hold miscellaneous items and one to hold towels and wash clothes. This is the mess of the smaller organizer. 

Top drawer before. Yeah, just a catch all for anything and everything!
Top drawer after. A bowl holds nail polish and my Mary Kay Satin Hands products, the striped bag holds makeup. The black bag in the back holds beauty tools (eye lash curler, eye brow trimmer, tweezers, nail clippers, etc) The bag of makeup sponges ended up getting moved as you'll see in the next set of pictures.
2nd drawer before
2nd drawer after: paper products- QTips, makeup sponges and pocket tissues. That's it!
3rd drawer before: again a catch all. What amazed me the most were all the sample sizes of toothpaste! I mean really!! How many of those do we need!?!? I think we get new ones at every dentist appointment. I set some aside for 72 hour kits and some for travel and any that had been opened got thrown out.
3rd drawer after: the basket holds travel size items and extra contact lens cases, the zipper bag holds travel toothpaste, extra dental floss and picks. In front are our boxes of contacts and a travel size bottle of contact solution.
4th drawer before- hair stuff and some random ace bandages and asthma separators.
4th drawer after- still hair stuff, but this time just hair stuff! This drawer has since changed a little too! We went to Ikea last weekend and I got some organizers for my closet. They had some small ones that were perfect for the bag of hair bands, bobby pins and barrettes. But all that will be updated in the final post! :-)
 To say that the under the sink cabinet is the bane of my existence is an understatement! I HATE this sink! We are hoping to redo the bathroom in about a year or so with pieces from (you guessed it!) IKEA but until then I have to make do! 

The before! I got rid of all the various candles, hair dye (I don't color my hair, I'm not sure why I had all that!) tampons and pads (don't really need that when you're using Depo Provera and don't have a cycle anymore!!) I also threw out any expired sunscreens and lotions and put the ones that were still good in the swim bag in the laundry room. That took care of a lot of this mess.
Under sink cabinet after. So much better!!!

Left side: hair items (straightner, crimper, curling iron, hair dryer, heat protecting spray, hair spray), breast pads (a nursing moms best friend!), toilet paper
Right side: in the back are my husband's hair clippers, hand soap refills, extra contact lens solution, hand sanitizer, hair spray and the basket holds our extras (soap, toothpaste, scrungies, throat drops, Neosporin, panty liners...can you tell I'm a couponer!?!?)
Medicine cabinet before
Medicine cabinet before 2.
Medicine cabinet after. I got rid of all the expired medications, that helped a lot! Then I separated medicines by category and put each in their own section. I'd like to find some baskets for in here but they'd have to be pretty skinny!
Bottom shelf: 1st Aid, pain relievers, tummy issues, foot issues
Top shelf: Allergy/Sinus, Cold and Flu, prescriptions, asthma
Top: Baby powder (because the kids can't reach it and make a mess), medicated mouth wash
Outside shelf after
My stuff on the left, corralled in a little box. I threw out a ton of perfume samples, old lotions and body sprays.
Hubby's stuff. I want to find a little box for him too.
 So that's the bathroom. As I noted above (and throughout) I still have a few things I'd like to do but overall a vast improvement! Make sure you stop by OrgJunkie to check in on the others' progress!
 And once again, thanks to Laura for hosting the challenge!


Kristen said...

Isn't it amazing how many, many little things accumulate in the bathroom? You're doing a great job with this!

I was wondering if boxes made from the bottoms of cereal boxes would fit in the medicine cabinet? You could cover them with paper or fabric, and label them. And the price is right...

April said...

You have really gotten a lot done in there! I am always amazed how much stuff hides in the bathroom! I hope you feel better, and keep up the good work!!

Reservoir Slob said...

You are doing great! Good for you.

The Fischer Family said...

Kristen, thanks a lot! The cereal box idea is a great one but we tend to buy the bagged cereal so I don't have a lot of those laying around! I might have to buy some boxed cereals just so I can do that later on! Thanks for the tip!

April, it is amazing how much stuff hides in the bathroom isn't it?! I am feeling better! Looks like it was an ulcer after all. Acid Reducers are wonderful things!!

Reservior Slob, Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Organized drawers and cabinets are a blessing!